Saturday, December 26, 2009

Enhance Boshiamy with noseeing

You need to download noseeing(noseeing.cin) and ibus-table-boshiamy(boshiamy.txt) source.

  • sed '/#/d' noseeing.cin > noseeing.tmp
  • sed -r 's/[ ]+/\t/g' noseeing.tmp > noseeing.tmp1
  • sed -r 's/$/\t1/g' noseeing.tmp1 > noseeing.tmp2
  • Replace all things from BEGIN_TABLE to END_TABLE in boshiamy.txt, using the content in noseeing.tmp2
  • ibus-table-createdb -s boshiamy.txt boshiamy.db
  • cp boshiamy.db /usr/share/ibus-table/tables

[Note] There may be some garbage in noseeing.tmp2, just remove them manually...

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